Friday, July 11, 2008

Dikes 'n Bikes

7/11/08 12:50 pm - For the music, I couldn't find anything classical so this is obviously a joke. There are explicit lyrics so you might want to skip it. I think only like 3 people would get it anyway, but my jokes are rarely for the masses.

I just left the Brussels train station about 20 minutes ago and am now slicing through the Ardennes at a pace that would make Hitler blush. The top speed of this Thalys train is said to be 180 mph, although we're probably only doing 150 mph thanks to the rather rotund American tourists a few rows ahead of me. I love these fast trains though, you have to experience it to realize just how fast it is. I'm traveling backwards though since seats are assigned, so instead of pretending like I'm running 150 mph, I pretend like I'm moonwalking that fast, which is even cooler.

Let's talk about Amsterdam. I'm not exaggerating, the second I stepped out of the train station, I got a huge whiff of weed. I imagine it was rather coincidental as that wasnt always the case, but still, it was funny.

I didn't get there until 7pm; it was raining and didnt stop raining til I left basically, which was rather annoying, so I didn't take many photos. I didn't get a bike either but there were still tons in the streets, hence the title. Amsterdam is pretty confusing since all the buildings and canals look the same. I went out the first night to just wander and I got lost, which is very unlike me. I usually know generally where I am but I had no clue this time, plus there was no sun to even give me cardinal directions. I eventually found the Rijksmuseum and found my way back. I stayed at a crappy hotel since all the hostels were booked. I had my own room and bathroom but I think I actually prefer hostels since there are people to talk to.

The next day I did another one of those 'free' tours, which was good except for the rain. We saw a lot of cool buildings and the guide was informative, yet rather weird. Here are some pics:

Of course he took us by the red light district and 'coffee' houses, which were obviously interesting to say the least. I can say that I resisted all temptation in both places. At the coffee house I just ate some brownies and they were delicious. I bought a lot and will bring them home in my bags for everyone. After the tour I went to the Van Gogh museum. It was either that or the Rijksmuseum and since I'm no art connoisseur I went to the one with a shorter line. I actually liked it a lot, I didn't know Van Gogh didn't decide to be an artist until he was 27, which happens to be my age. I was feeling a connection with him until I read about how he shot himself 10 years later, so maybe not. I got to see the Sunflowers painting, amongst many others, but my favorite was the wheatfield and crows one:

Afterwards I just wandered around, Amsterdam is pretty cool, but probably more fun for those more open to other things, if you will. Also, the weather kind of made it hard, but still a cool city.


Thomanders said...

Oh yeah, I remember loving those brownies. Speaking of which, that reminds me of when Jimmy and I enjoyed some brownies while chatting with Steve Young about his kids' athletic abilities last Sat. Doesn't compare to Prague, but still...

Brenda Ober said...

Hi Jeff, I am new to blogs, so I just caught up on your trip. Wow! what a great way to hear about your trip. It sounds amazing and I think you are amazing. Krissy did "canyoning" in Interlaken last summer and I didn't sleep for 2 nights worrying. She has a very cool video. I hope to see you and all your pictures when you are stateside again.

Your "old" neighbor

p.s. I also love chocolate, in case you have in extra pieces when you return :)

Anonymous said...

To chime in on the Ober train.. I am reading as well. Sounds like an amazing trip- Prague was probably my favorite place I went in Europe too. Just an incredible city. Well hope you continue to have fun over there... I remain very jealous sitting here in my cubicle :)


Katie Ross said...

Jeff, you crack me up. I love reading your posts, not only to be educated on European history and sites, but to get a good laugh.

Love the pics from Amsterdam (and everywhere else, really)